Friday, June 11, 2010


This fascinating study reminds me, again, of how exciting science really is. A condition that seems hopeless - a virus that seems impossible to kill - will someday be a mere spectre of a threat. Of course, it's been a long, long way coming to even get to THIS point - and it will be a longer time yet until the disease has been completely resolved. But studies on Ebola, bovine spongiform encephalitis (Mad Cow Disease), and others prove that there is hope to cure even the most deadly of viruses. Perhaps we could use this technology to conquer AIDS, or at least lessen its hold on the body.

I won't say scientists are miracle workers - that's not true. But the research they undertake, the new things they discover, are the closest thing we have to a miracle on Earth. I'm glad that we live in an era of relative enlightenment, where scientists and researchers have access to most of the funds they require and a majority of public support. It makes me excited for the future: what new things may we uncover; what old problems can we obliterate?

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